Fred Vom Jupiter And Covers

Fred Vom Jupiter is one of my favorite - if not the favorite - song from the german part of the New Wave era. it has everything postpunk and new wave is for me: a minimalistic approach, a wonderful melody, a futuristic theme and feel, and is not afraid of being also a bit corningly cheesy. i should also add, to explain this track, the german new wave scene had a dose of ultra-nihilism, which showed itself in an - in a true dada way - "childish" approach to music. if we want to revolutionize the music world, why not show the ultimate disrespect by making lofi tunes with childish harmonies and content? this critique of the artworld was, of course, lost to the general public, which then elevated this tune to a real "hit", selling very very well and receiving plenty of airplay. the story itself about this track is somewhat foggy: the offical version is that it was actually result of a school project, which then the teenage andreas dorau submitted to a new wave label, without telling his teacher, resulting in the aforementioned hit. this story sounds a bit too-good-to-be-true, so think of it as you want. but now get ready for Fred Vom Jupiter by Andreas Dorau.

Original Version

American Version

French Version

Techno Version

Another Techno Version

Argentinian Cover Version

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